Sunday, December 17, 2017

Ummm.. whats going on?

So this week was crazy! 

We had 6 lessons in the last 3 days and had a bunch of people show up that we didn't expect to show up to one of the lessons. (Allen, a new investigator, brought a few friends with him) So we got heaps of new investigators this week. Also, in those few lessons we had, 2 people are now on date to be baptized!!!! Tommy and Michael!! Both for the 13th of January. We will be trying really hard to get them so that they can be ready for that date. We also have a few more people that seem like they will be ready for baptism soon. We will invite them to be baptized in a lesson soon. 

So, heading home form the baptism of Summer (the Sisters taught her) we got a call from President. Elder Tseng (our district leader and flatmate) was emergency transferred to my old zone to be zone leader! Now, we don't have a district leader, and I am in a trio with two people still in training. So I guess I'm training 2 people right now and will probably be called as district leader tomorrow. hahaha. I will give more information on that next week. lol. 

Other than that super eventful week, nothing else happened. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Oh, that reminds me of a story. So, on Thursday we taught How. Nice guy from China. He was interested in learning about why we were different from other churches. So we taught him the restoration. At the beginning, he told us he wasn't willing to do anything like pray to know if what we teach is true. Then, as we related the message of the first vision, we saw a change in him. He then accepted the challenge to pray to know if our message was true. We teach him on Tuesday. MIRACLES!!!!  I'm excited to see how he progresses. 

Okay I love yall heaps!!!! Have a great Christmas!!!!!

Cool week at the opera house. 
We feasted wit bishop and all 14 other missionaries in the ward​

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