Sunday, December 10, 2017


Merry Christmas!!! Don't try to google translate that subject line because I probably spelled it wrong. Either way, that's Merry Christmas in Mandarin. I made it one of my goals this week to learn a few more phrases in Mandarin. So I learned that and Happy New Year. So cool! I learned some other ones, but then people told me what they meant. So never mind. :0

This week was EPIC!!!! CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE!!! The whole mission got together for a conference in Hebersham!! It was so fun!!! I got to see my old MTC district and my old zone people! That was really fun. We just caught up and hung out the whole time after President and the Assistants were done with their training. So fun!! 
Otherwise, not much happened this week.Just some more finding and a few lessons. Nothing to really report on yet. It will get there. 

Love yall heaps!!!! Miss you tons too; but I know I'm here because I have been called of God and it is my duty and privilege to serve Him. I love this work. For those of you going out to serve, I'm proud of you. For those of you feeding the missionaries, thank you. For those of you whoa re helping in any way, you're the best! And for anyone who does not know of the truthfulness of this church, please, seek to find it. Just try it out. What do you have to lose from trying? 

Love yall
Elder Chris Maxfield

1) Christmas Conference!!! Old MTC district!
2)We got to watch MOANA!!!!!!
3) Book of Mormon in German..? Yes! Im gonna learn it. 

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