Monday, December 25, 2017


So we had an amazing week. It was so crazy. I'm going to start listing miracles that happened. First, though, I want to tell you all that the Lord blesses those who are obedient. I have a huge testimony of that. As we are now in a trio, we wanted to follow the rules super super super closely and make sure we were obedient. So miracles quickly followed. Miracles we were not expecting at all. 

1) we now have 6 people on baptismal date. 

2) we got 15 investigators to church (mission record btw..) 

3) We had a man run up to us on the street asking to be baptized.

4 (this is my favorite) We have an investigator named Kevin. He is struggling to find his answer to whether God is real and all of that kind of stuff. He's so awesome though. So, we were teaching the 10 commandments and told him that if he wants an answer, he needs to come to church, pray, and keep the 10. He said yes cause hes awesome. Now, when Elder Formica was baring his testimony of it, I had a really really strong impression. So I said, "Kevin, if you do these things that we have committed you to do, then you will receive your answer next week." We are waiting for his answer to come this week. I cant wait for it to come!!! So excited! 

Too much to explain this week, I only had 30 minutes to read and write. So Ill leave you with that. I might not be able to email next week, but we'll see. I love you all heaps!!!

Love Elder Maxfield

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