Sunday, April 28, 2019

Hey. I made it! I'm alive

Hey everyone!!!!! Hope you've all had groovy weeks!!! Mine sure was crazy hahaha.
So this week was nuts!!! We had pday on Tuesday because we got to go to the temple!!! I absolutely love going to the temple and I learn so much each time I go! 
The night before we stayed with a few other elders down on the central coast. Elder Griffiths was in my MTC district, so we know each other pretty well and we had a good time hanging out. 
Tuesday afternoon, after the temple, we had MLC where president invited all of the District leaders to, so I got to go. Man, going to the temple and then having a meeting right after is not a good idea hahahhaha. My brain was 100% fried and i had a hard time gathering my thoughts Tuesday night hahahaha. Just so much information in one day. MLC was awesome. I learned heaps about how I can improve as a district leader and what my roles are. We talked a lot about accountability. 
Also, President said that Elder Pabona and I will definitely be leaving Tamworth on Monday (today lol) and that we'd have a few days to say goodbye. And that's what we did. The rest of the week consisted of telling all the people we meet with that we were leaving. Honestly, it was really sad. I didnt realize how much I've grown to love these people. 
In 3 Nephi it talks about the Savior and the Nephites. He says that He needs to go, and that He has other people to visit. They look on Him as if asking Him to stay a bit longer. He then says that He has compassion for them, and stays a little longer. (Quite a bit longer actually). In a very very tiny way (one cannot compare themselves to the Savior) I feel like I felt that this week. These people wanted us to stay, and I was touched with compassion for them. I wanted to stay. But knew we needed to leave and that that was for the better. I will miss them a lot. 
We then had an awesome opportunity on Sunday to visit the Armidale branch. A branch about an hour and a half north east from us. First of all, Armidale is so pretty right now. The colors of the trees is amazing (its fall right now haha). So we gave our talks in sacrament meeting and then got to know the members up there. They went on and on about how much they love and miss having the missionaries in their branch and that they really want some back. They were all great people. That was a great experience. 
Well, we woke up this morning not knowing what area we were going to. The Assistants told us to drive to the mission office. So we started driving, still not knowing where we were actually headed Haha. About halfway through the car ride (a 4 1/2 hour drive) we got a call. Elder Pabona and I were actually split up! That was a surprise to both of us! We thought wed stay together. Well, we're in the same zone as each other, and I'm back in the city (sort of). Elder Pabona is in the Summer Hill ward, and I'm in the South Harbour ward (the ward just east of the YSA ward). I'm super excited to be here, back in the part of the mission I've known the most. My companions are Elder Halls and Elder Barnes. Fun fact, we all are on the same plane home together. 
Anyways, I'm excited to be here. I miss tamworth, and the people there, but am glad to be here. 
I love yall heaps! Keep on doing whatever you guys are doing over there! 
Elder Maxfield 

Sister Eykamp
The Weldon family
The Davisons
The Grahams! 
And the Coopers

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