Sunday, April 14, 2019

Transfers Pending

GDAY LADS AND LASSES (not quite sure how to spell the latter word). So this week was eventful. And that's a good thing. So Tuesday and Wednesday were quite a few teaching appointments. We were able to teach a pretty decent amount of lessons which was super nice. The rest of the week was trying to do the same. 
Saturday and Sunday were easily the highlights. We had GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! 
So I'd just like to say that the speakers are all awesome. There were so many good talks this conference. Some of my favorites include (but are not limited to) Sister Craven's, Elder Stevenson's, Elder Holland's, President Nelson's priesthood talk, President Oaks' Sunday afternoon talk, and Elder Bednars talk. So yeah, like all of them hahahhaha. They were so good! 
Another big deal on Sunday morning was that we had a less active family come out to watch conference and have breakfast with us. It was great! I hope they enjoyed conference. 
Well that's all my folks. We're still waiting on some news from transfers, but as of now, my comp and I will be staying for his last 6 weeks of the mission. 
Well everyone, hope ya have a pretty satisfactory week. (And if it's better than satisfactory, then good job!) Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield. 

This is troy. 

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