Sunday, March 24, 2019

We got a bit of rain! woohoo!!!

Yay! There as a bit of rain this week! That's exciting! 
Okay, so onto the week. It actually turned out to be a little better than a "realistic week." Cause we found a new person to teach!!! So that was really exciting!!! We'll teach him again on Sunday so we'll let you know how that goes next week. 
Other than that it's been a long week. A lot of visits and a lot of knocking. Highlight of the week though: So in our mission we have these dudes called traveling trainers. Basically two missionaries who travel the whole mission helping missionaries be better. (Its a new job made up this transfer). Anyways. They stopped by on Thursday night. Needless to say that was a very very nice surprise due to the fact that we have no contact with any missionaries face to face except the occasional conference. So they came by on Thursday night and stayed until noon on Friday. That was a heck of a lot of fun. Even though really we just talked. It was nice to have other missionaries to talk to. #exiledlife
Umm other than that, really nothing. This week we have zone conference. That'll be a lot of fun! Looking forward to that. 
Hope you have a great week!!!! Love yall heaps! 
Elder Maxfield

Our district, the APs (in the other chapel) and the travelling trainers. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hope you have a realistic week!

Probably my favorite quote of the week. But there's been some good ones including a text we received "President has advised that we are absolutely not to go to any dances put on by wards or stakes." -Assistants
So yeah. This week was a good one. This area is pretty small, in terms of people (not area wise though). So the whole town has already be knocked, and there aren't too many members to visit Haha. We're trying to meet with as many people as we can on a regular basis though. 
Highlight of the week though (at least one of them). Yesterday we we trying to meet people and we were FINALLY able to meet with a Filipino part-member family that we've been trying to see almost daily for the last 2 weeks. Hahaha. They've really never been home. So we finally got to see them and it was awesome! Elder Pabona pretty much just spoke Tagalog to the dad the whole time, then the 17 year old son realized I had no idea what was going on, so he talked to me (hes 100% fluent in English). So we built good relationships with the family and we'll hopefully be going back again soon. The son wants to play bball with us too. So that'll be so fun! I hope hes ready to get his ankles broken. (Cause ya know, I'm sooo good at basketball). 
Other than that, we've had a good pday. We went to a lookout (I'll send pics at the bottom) and that was a really good view. I enjoyed that. Then just brushed up on ye ol' ping-pong skills with Elder Pabona. (He got a scholarship to play in college back at home. Hes really good hahaha). So that was good cause he taught me heaps in just an hour and now my back hand is wayyy better. 
Well, that's about it for yall. Hope you have a groovy week!!!!! 
Elder Maxfield 

1&3)Such height. Greatly cliff. (Its like a 5 foot drop. Hahaha) 
2) everything the light touches is our area (and sooooo much more)
4) me and pabona
5) haha we went out to a place called Manila. Not much in Manila. 
6) also not much out here either haha

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I still dont really know where I am

Wow, this place is a bit different than my other areas. hahaha. Its a great place though!! A lot of fun! 
Okay so this week was nuts! Tuesday we had a good pday. Kickball and food eating challenges. What could be better? 
Wednesday was the crazy day. I was supposed to get up at 3am to catch my 5:30am train (which was an hour drive away). Well, I heard my alarm go off, turn it off, and passed out again. Woke up again with Elder Santana turning the lights on at 4am (he woke up then to say bye) shaking his head doing a total disappointed mom look. Needless to say, I got ready very very fast. We got out to Goulburn on time and I got my train. Elder Leae and I traveled up together to Macaurthur and then I changed trains, went to central. 
So its awesome to serve in the city for many reasons. One of them being that you can tell your friends that you're going to have a train change at central station and they can come and say hi! Hahaha. So I got to see archie amber and Yvette. But wait!!! Who comes out of the train unexpectedly on his way to work?? TOU!!!!! Man, i missed Tou. Hes the man. So I got to see all of them. They're all pretty dang awesome. 
Alright, next stop, maitland. Maitland was a beautiful! 2 1/2 hour train ride. Such pretty coastline!!! It was awesome. 
So when i get up there at 12 and meet the zone, gotta wait for my comp, elder pabona. He got there around 1 and we headed to tamworth. That was a long 3 hour drive hahaha. Almost fell asleep 
Tamworth is a good place. It's a lot busier than I thought itd be, but still not very busy hahaha. Town of about 40,000 and most people are very very country like people. The ward here has about 20 active members and they're all pretty solid. We're trying to get a few people back to church though. Church really is so important. So that's a good time. 
Ummm okay. So what else? Friday night we went back down to maitland cause Saturday we had a mission conference! Wow! Lit! So this time, Elder Ardern (some area 70) and the executive of the mission department came!! They mostly trained on the doctrine of Christ and how we can get that message into the hearts of those we are teaching more effectively. 
Besides the training, IT WAS SO FUN TO SEE ALL THE MISSIONARIES AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Man, I realized how many awesome friends I've made out here. The missionaries are so awesome and it's so cool to see how a lot of us are so tight, even though there's over 250 of us. A couple of my friends are either home now, or going home soon, which us sad. I'm so grateful to have served around such awesome people!!!! 
Sunday we got to meet the whole ward!!!! (Basically). All 20 of them. Hahahha. Its not too hard to remember who everyone is when there's only 20. It'll take me a few more days though to solidify who's who. 
Welp that's a whole lot of fun right there. Today we did service and just chilled. Almost nothing to do for pday here, but that's okay. 
My comp is awesome btw. Hes from the Philippines and is going home in 2 transfers! I'm sure hes stoked! But we're getting along well and I'm learning a lot about the Philippines. Which is awesome. Who woulda thought that even though I had heaps of Filipino friends growing up, I knew nothing about it. Hahahahha. Oh well. 

Love yall heaps! Stay fresh, not frozen. 
Elder Maxfield 

Train station homies!!!! (Right to left: Archie Yvette amber) 
Elder Bowers! (I was supposed to take more pics at the conference but forgot...)
When you have district meeting via Skype, you get a little bored. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

I'm going where? To nowhere land hahaha

Hey everyone!! So transfer calls came in last night. The mission is doing something new with transfers. since its on a Wednesday, they are now informing us on Monday night (which will be a normal proselyting day) and then our pday will be on Tuesday for that week. So every 6 weeks my pday will be on a Tuesday. Just FYI. I hope you didn't miss my email too much yesterday! haha
Okay anyways, Im going to a place called Tamworth. Now, I'm in Canberra. My area in the 2nd farthest south area that a missionary is currently serving in right now. The furthest is literally 5 minutes from my flat hahaha. So Tamworth is the second farthest north area, but the farthest away. Ill be traveling over 500ks and itll take me about 9 hours.. i think hahaha. I'm super excited actually. From what I can gather about Tamworth (thankfully elder Tobler served there for 6 months) its just super super outback. Really interesting people. The best stories seem to come from Tamworth, so we'll see what happens. I'm excited though. It should be a good transfer. having 3 transfers left, I'm not quite sure what will happen; if I'll stay there or go somewhere else, but I'm excited either way. We'll see what we can make of it. 
My new companion is Elder Pabona. He served in Canberra a few transfers ago, so I already know him a bit. And I'll be sending him home at the end of this transfer. So we'll see what happens. It should be a good transfer. I'm really excited to see what true Australia is like. 
So other news. This week we did a lot of service. On Tuesday we helped out an old lady with her garden. It was really funny. She asked us to dig a whole underneath this massive bush. So we started, one person was leaning up against the bush to hold it back and the other was shoveling. We got to harder dirt after a bit, so we needed to break out the pick-ax. So that explains the video. No worries, no harm was done during the making or after the making of that video. 
We also started prepping for a new form of finding! So don't judge on this cause we don't have any investigators so we're trying to find new ones. So there's a lot of old single ladies in our ward, and as usual, they have a lot of friends. So, Elder Tobler had the idea of using his ability to crochet, and turning it into a finding activity. So we started organizing the first ever Canberra Crochet Club!! WOOHOO! We invited all the old ladies in our ward and some of the non-member old ladies we know as well. There were actually a lot of people that were really excited about it! So that was cool! Itll be going on on Thursday, so I'll miss it. But I guess I know how to crochet now, so that's cool. hahahahaha (wow... what have I become..?) 
So that was all fun and games. Lastly, to finish off the transfer strong, we had a food eating competition with the zone today. Elder Tobler and I had the very very bad fortune of drawing for McDonalds. We had to eat a BigMac, Double Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, McChicken, 10 nuggets, 4 medium fries, and 4 medium drinks. Well, needless to say, we didn't finish. That was soooo much food, and I didn't want to throw up, so I stopped. hahaha. I think the only one who finished was elder Leae who ate 3 feet of subway sandwiches! So yeah. 
Well, I think that's all the information I can muster for ya today. Overall, this has been yet another great transfer. I want yall to know that missionary work is awesome!! And even though most of you don't have the current opportunity to serve a full time mission, you can still do the work wherever you are. The leaders of the church time and time again have told us of the importance of this work, gathering Israel, and I've come to realize its importance over this last year and a half. Yall can do the work at home too! Share the message with your friends. Whether that's by inviting them to church, or inviting them to a ball game. It doesn't matter. When you do a good thing, find out how you can turn that into a ministering opportunity. You'll see blessing upon blessing flow into your life. 
Okay, that's my shpeel. Love yall heaps!!!!! Keep being awesome!!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield

Found this cool mural thingy. Hahahhaha what the heck? 
Safety first kids! Make sure to wear your helmet