Sunday, February 24, 2019

Zone Conference, interviews, and a special musical item by the missionaries

Hello my friends, family and other people! Just kidding, you're all either my friends, family, or both. Congrats!!! 
Okay, so this week was a little crazy. We had zone conference earlier this week and then interviews straight after. Then we had a singing thingy on Sunday. Pretty similar to the one last week. So I'll start from the top. 

So zone conference this week was really cool. We were able to go up to Sydney for it, which is fun in itself. The conference was really good. We are going away from door knocking as a mission, so we're trying to come up with ways to find new people to teach. The suggestions were fishing finding, teaching family history, stuff like that. I really really want to go to the local prison and teach a Bible class there each week. President is still thinking about whether or not he's going to approve that one, but hopefully he gets back to me soon. hahaha. Id be so keen to do that. Cause the people there are actually wanting to repent and change if they're going to a Bible class. They know that it'll help them in their lives. Plus I've heard so many stories of people teaching in prisons and its just a very spiritual moment. So that'd be awesome. We'll see what happens. Other than that, we just talked about the stuff we discussed in MLC, so nothing new. 

Interviews are always awesome. I love talking with President. This time it was mostly just talking about how the work was going and how the missionaries are in the zone. So that was good. President really cares about us on an individual level. the amount of love that he and Sister Runia have for us is incredible, as well as the amount of time they spend thinking about us or helping us. I love them so much!! 

So on Sunday we sang at the Canberra state fair. We sounded really bad, but that's okay! One of our friends was sitting in the audience and a Rabbi sat next to him. The whole time our friend just answered his concerns. The Rabbi came out saying "wow I feel a lot better about that now." If that's the only reason why we were supposed to be there, then I'm fine with that. God works miracles everyone!!! 

So one more thing! WE PLAYED BASEBALL TODAY!!!! ON A REAL FIELD!!!!! Man, that was so fun!!!! It was just nice to play something like that again hahaha. 

Okay, back to the work. As for the work this week, it was really good. We don't really have many people to teach, but the Lord is definitely performing miracles for us. We've been really trying and the members have been a lot more helpful in terms of talking about missionary work and their friends and just wanting to teach others. So that's really good. I'm so grateful for that.

So this is week 6, so we'll find out this Saturday whats happening with transfers. 
Okay. I love ya'll heaps!! Have a great week! 

Our friends visited from Sydney!!!!! That was so fun! 
Professional bag model is back! 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

No title today

Hey everyone!!!! How are you all?? 
Man, so first off, I want to tell you that calling home every week is the coolest announcement ever. Hahaha. I've been so excited to talk to my family again. It's been pretty much the only thing we talked about over the weekend. Just how excited we were to call home. 
So fyi, I'll still be sending out a weekly to everyone (I've heard they're pretty popular so, don't wanna disappoint my fans. Hahhaha just kidding. But I still will be sending them out). 
So this week was pretty awesome. I got to go on a trade off with an Elder in my zone this week. He's struggled with obedience throughout his mission but really turned around recently. It was a privilege to work with him and was probably my favorite trade off of the mission. I really really enjoyed it. He told me his life story and talked to me about how he's seen God change him and seen how the Gospel can change our lives. Its convenient that we studied John 2 this week huh? I loved talking about Christs power to change and heal us I've felt that in my life. He wants to mold us into something greater than we are, because He knows that we can become great. So that was a great experience. I'm grateful I had it. 
We also, on Sunday, had the chance to sing in the multicultural festival for Canberra. It was pretty cool. There was a pretty decent crowd even though we probably didn't sound very good. The cool part about it was that we were able to sing in Spanish, Samoan, Tongan, and Chinese. Then on top of that, our Hungarian missionary shared the Hungarian national anthem. So all of that was really really cool. 
It was a great experience. After we got to meet some really cool people and are now invited to teach our beliefs in a mosk. So that's pretty awesome! I'm excited for that opportunity! 

Okay. Love ya'll heaps! Sorry for the late email. 
Elder maxfield 

The festival. 
Sorry don't have any other pics from the festival yet. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Temple sealings and Spiritual promptings

This week was a good one. I guess I'll get right into the highlights. 
So we hang out every week with the Macaso/Punzal family. They're the Filipino family that we have dinner with. But they're soooo cool!! I love them. So Mike and Donna Punzal got sealed this week and they invited Elder Jarvis and I to go. So Elder Tobler and I drove up Saturday morning, and I dropped him off in the city with Elder Jarvis' companion. Then we went to the sealing. The sealing itself was so cool! Its so amazing to know that we really do have the chance to be with our families after this life, and its because of that ordinance that we can do that. Its not just "til death do you part" but its for forever. So that's pretty awesome! 
After the sealing, we went to a super good Korean Buffet in the city. I've been before, but it was still way good hahha. There, we just joked around and had a good time with the family and with the missionaries that came. 
As for the Spiritual promptings, this week has been great! I've seen Gods hand a lot in the work that we're doing. Something that I'm starting to learn more and more is that as you follow what the Spirit is telling you, God will trust you more and more with more promptings. He will continue to give you things to do and people to check up on. Its incredible. I'm so grateful that God talks to us today. If you haven't felt, or heard, or thought that He's talked to you in a while (or ever) pray and ask Him what He'd have you do. He will answer. maybe not immediately, but He will. 
In other news, Elder Tobler got his foot sliced and diced this week. He has some ingrown toenails removed so we've been walking kinda slow these last few days. (He still wants to walk around even though he probably shouldn't do as much walking as he is haha). So that's made for an interesting weekend. 
Other than that, maybe some time in the future you'll hear from Kermit and Batman. Love ya'll heaps!!! Hope you have a great week!!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield

Super awesome dope coolio as view! 
After the sealing. I love the temple. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Heavy rain pours out knowledge from the mission department

So this week was hecka cool!!! We had a pretty normal week up until Friday. Lots of teaching and finding. Thursday afternoon we started heading up to Sydney for MLC. On the drive up, the most intense rainstorm that I've ever seen while driving occurred. I seriously couldn't see 10 ft in front of me. That was crazy. But we made it to Sydney safe. A little late, but safe. Friday morning we played touch Rugby with the boys and then went to our meeting. We knew that someone from the mission department was gonna be there, but we didn't know why. We were hoping it wasn't going to be a rebuke. Well, to our great delight, it wasn't!! He was on assignment from Elder Stevenson to come here and help us increase the effectiveness of our work. So that was very very welcome information. 
So as we started the meeting, he started dropping stats left, right, up down, sideways, etc... I have severe mental whiplash. It was way awesome though. He told us a lot of really cool tips on how we can do better and what we can really do to help these people come to know if the gospel is true. He also reminded us (as always) that the whole reason we're doing this is so that people have the opportunity to be saved in the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven. It was a great meeting. 
What was even cooler though is when we put it to practice. On Saturday and yesterday, we really tried our best to follow the steps that he gave us. It was so cool! From that, and from the help of the Lord, we were able to see a lot of great miracles. The Lord truly is looking out for us and He cares very much about the work we are doing; because its His work. I love being a missionary. Its awesome! I hope you all are able to find missionary opportunities. No, you don't have to refer your friends to the missionaries right now, but maybe make a list of people that you would really like to see receive the gospel at some point in their life. Then minister to them. Be their friends. The Lord will provide miraculous opportunities. 
Love you all heaps!!!  Have a great week!!!! Oh, and happy Superbowl. 
Elder Maxfield

Dinner at the macaso/punzal home. Blue tongued lizard hahah. 
"Wake up G"