Sunday, December 16, 2018

Hey party people! Its Christmas!

Hola and hi all of my friends and family.
Well, this week was pretty awesome. We kicked it off with a MEAN trade-off in narooma! So let me explain narooma real quick. It's basically a super super tiny, extremely pretty beach town. The elders flat down there is like a 5 minute walk to the beach that literally no one is ever on (so missionaries are allowed on it year round). So it's just a nice place to be. So we did trade offs down there and it was a lot of fun! We taught soooo many lessons. We taught (both companionship total) about 6 lessons on Tuesday and talked to heaps of people! Also had a service project in there too. So it was a pretty full on day. It was a lot of fun though! Elder Greenig and Petersen made it a lot of fun.
Friday was mean as. We did a trial run for a mission challenge. Us against my first zone (Harbour north). Of course we SMASHED them!!! They had no chance. But it was a lot of fun. We worked really really hard and found a ton of success from it! We were able to knock into a guy who studies religion and is willing to hear more about us. He invited us in right there and we taught the first lesson. We weren't able to set a return appointment cause he doesn't know when he's free, so we'll just stop by another time. Also we taught a lesson to Kai. He's a really nice Tongan guy. He's super huge but literally the most gentle guy ever. So cool! He really loves christ and loves the church. Just needs to put that into action. We had a really good lesson and the spirit was felt. So that's good. 
Other than that, just a typical week. It was a ton of fun. We worked hard and found a lot of success which is really good to see.
I love the work people! I hope you are all having an amazing Christmas season!! Love ya heaps! 
Elder maxfield

Pizza for days!!! After destroying a house. I'm keen to do construction hahha. 
Also narooma. 

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