Sunday, August 26, 2018

Mom's Email

Umm well this week was busy as. We had MLC on Tuesday pretty much all day. Well, as I said to Elder Tobler (he was sitting next to me) after the meeting, "We just got trained." Elder Ardern (a member of the 70) came and trained us. And oh boy did he train us. I have never felt so uplifted and motivated after a rebuke in my life. It was pretty incredible actually. He didn't openly rebuke us, but he told us that we need to be doing a better job. He shared a lot of different things that we needed to work on, but he praised us many times for what we were doing well. So it was a good experience. I've never had an MLC like that before. 
On Thursday we had a half mission conference where Elder Ardern spoke and told us how to be better missionaries. That was a great discussion and it led into a great accountability call last night. Elder Bowers (the man himself) and I got talking last night about how we can more often get our new investigators to turn into progressing investigators. A big problem here is that lots of our friends just hang around for a while and don't really progress. Or they have lessons but aren't too serious about it and then eventually life gets in the way. So that's trying to get fixed this week. 
As for my companion, yeah he's called Chinese speaking but that doesn't really matter because he still needs to learn English. So we mostly have conversations in English and then when translation is needed or in just casual conversation, Chinese is used. I haven't actually picked up much Chinese. I know a few phrases and a lot of useless things. Yesterday I learned "I will destroy you." Which is pretty funny using it to find. You ask the people if it means that you like their shoes, pretty funny. The Chinese people are so cool. I really enjoy serving around them and I'm looking forward to my (now almost required) vacation to China in the future. 

Well, thats a long email. But thats my week. Ill send some pictures as well cause we took some this week. 
Well, I love you mom! I hope you have a great week!!!!! 
Love Christopher. 

1)Lisa was leaving...very sad day but its all good. She'll be back at some point. 
2) this is (from left to right) Amber, Catherine, Julia, Elder Fang.  Amber is a member and Catherine and Julia 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

This is sparta

Well, as a famous poet once said, "Hi." Think about that quote for a minute. If you do, it'll blow your mind. 

Well everyone. I hope you are all having a great day! 
This week has been a good one. To start, my companion was almost too sore to walk for the first few days this week (he's used to having a car so walking has been killing him. Hahhaa). That was fun though cause we walked really slow all over the city. Hahaha! 

It was a week of miracles (sort of more than usual but not tooooooo crazy). I guess i say this because it was a really productive week. We were able to help out a lot of our friends with their concerns. We are still working with Yvette on finding her dang answer... but she'll get one!!! I'm excited for when she does! 

Lisa leaves for China (she'll be gone for 3 weeks- 3 months. She doesn't know) next Sunday, so we will go to the temple with her this week (hopefully!) Tou is getting the Melchizedek Priesthood and so is Vincent. Ash will be getting the Priesthood soon, and Archie had a great day today! So all is going great for them! I'm so happy for them because they are finding joy in the gospel. Vincent and Tou are awesome. They really enjoy serving and Ash is great too! Archie has struggles at times, buy I love him to death. I'm excited to hear tonight why he had such a good day. 

I guess I'll just close by saying, God answers prayers. When you're down, when you don't know what you're doing and you don't know why things are happening the way they are, you can always turn to Him. He will help you. I know He will. And I'm so happy and grateful that He does. 

I love you all. I hope you have a great week!! 
Elder Maxfield

Sunday, August 12, 2018

At the water, we take pictures.

Hello!!! What is going on??? Well this week was so fun and busy and crazy and nuts and wild and.. well, I think you get the point. Its been a good week though. 

First things first. I got a new companion, same area. This is actually the first time I've stayed in an area that my companion is leaving. Hahha so that's kinda strange. Its pretty fun though. Elder Fang is my new companion. My brotha from Taiwan. He's been out for about 17 months and this is his third area.. wow! I don't think I would enjoy that. Hahaha. Hes from the southern portion of the mission, so its interesting to see the culture from there. Hes awesome though. I really like him. He is adjusting to the city life, but is doing a great job! I really like him a lot. 

Also, we had a mission conference this weekend where we were told the rules of the mission and how to use the phones and stuff. So that was all good. It was good to see some old friends again. Like ELDER FERGUSON!!!! THE MAN!!!! I miss him. Hes a cool guy Hahahaha. So that conference was really fun. 

Then we had Lisa's baptism!!! Woohoo! She was sooooooooo nervous, but we took heaps of pictures and she was okay. She is gonna be a solid member. Now she wants us to go find her a cute boy that we can baptize and she can date. Hahhahaha so im liking where she's going with this idea. She'll have to help us fellowship sometime. Hahah just kidding. We dont convert people like that. Hahha! But she is really cool. She'll be a good member. 
Well, this is going to be another exciting week.

Love you all heaps though!!!! 

Stay awesome! 
Elder Maxfield. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Sorry this is so late, busy day

Wow! What a week!! Its been sooo busy! I'll be short because I don't have much time.
So basically, transfers were this week. So Elder Tobler is leaving on Tuesday for Wollongong. I'm getting a new companion. He's from Taiwan!! he speaks Chinese!!!!! Yeah!!! I'm so excited for that!!

In other news, Lisa is getting baptized on Saturday!!!! She is so solid!! She has such an awesome testimony and the reason why she's getting baptized!!! I am so happy for her!!! She's super upset that Elder Tobler is leaving but I think she'll be okay. 

Overall, all is going well here. I love it here, I love the people! It's so fun! And it's so amazing to see people come to know that the gospel is true! I love it. 

I want you all to know how much I love my Savior. He has made me who I am now, and will help me as I move forward. I love Him, and am so glad that I have been raised in a home that centered our lives on Him. 

I love you all heaps! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!
Elder Maxfield 
Transfer call steak night
The thoughtful three!!! Idk why we are called that, but see! We're thinking hahaha!!!