Monday, June 4, 2018

I love to see the temple

It was a great experience to get to go to the temple today. I love the temple so much! The Spirit can be felt so strongly in the Lord's house. I can once again had it reconfirmed to me today, and many times throughout the week that the Lord answers prayers for those who diligently seek an answer. For those of you who may feel that God is silent, wait for His response, I can promise that it WILL come. 

This week was good. We had a few trade-offs and those were awesome. I love going out with other missionaries and getting to know them better. Its always a refreshing experience. I got to go out with Elder Warth and Elder Wu this week. It was so fun!!! We saw so many miracles. Lots of people were super receptive to our message and we even found one person who Elder Wu had been trying to find for over a week, but they had the wrong number. She was sooo thankful that we saw her again because she was trying to get to church, but didn't know how to. Elder Wu and Elder Aumua, when they found out they had a wrong number, prayed for a week to find her. We finally did during a random walk through the mall to get back home. Really cool. Idk if that made sense, if not, just know that it was a cool experience and that God answers prayers. 

We may be getting smartphones this week!!! I'm so excited for that!!! YEAH!!!! Finally can have a map on my phone. hahahaha 

I'm all over the place today, sorry. Love yall heaps though!!! Have a great week!!!!!!!! 

Sorry pictures arent loading... slow wifi

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