Sunday, May 27, 2018

When you see a friend, you stay up til 2 AM

Man, this was a pretty awesome week!!! 
To start, we had MLC (Mission leadership counsel) on Tuesday. That helped me get way more informed and organized on what the heck is going on this transfer. We talked a lot about how the mission is doing, what needs work, and how we can welcome the new mission president and the south mission. It was pretty cool.

Thursday was so awesome!!!!!!! We finally were able to meet up with a few investigators that we found earlier this transfer. We met up with Charles, Jaye, Luke, and Brother Cobcroft. Charles was soooo open and was really excited about the message that we shared with him. He's honestly seeking for God and wants to follow Him, but doesn't completely know how, so he's open to new things. We're excited to keep meeting with him. 

Jaye says he's African American, but based on his accent, I'm pretty sure he's never lived in America. hahahaha If he did, cool! hhahhaha Really nice guy though! He's also seeking for truth and wants to understand how he can follow God. We thought that he was going to be a Bible basher, but he is super genuine and just has a lot of questions! So we are going to meet again this week and hopefully will have a more structured lesson. 

Luke is awesome! I cant remember if I've talked about him, but he's great! He is really seeking for truth ever since he was diagnosed with brain cancer. He's such a nice guy, and has a lot of questions. We were only able to talk for about 15 minutes, but we were able to help him recognize the Spirit and what it feels like. He's been struggling to know how he receives answers, but we helped him figure it out. We just need to actually sit down with him!!! AHHH
So Saturday was trade-offs, and I went to the Kellyville/Winston Hills flat. You know who's in Winston Hills? That's right, THE MAN HIMSELF!!!!! ELDER WARTH!!!!! It was good to catch up with him, and we ended up talking in bed until 2am. He's the man!!! Tade offs were good though with Elder Simpson. He's a great missionary! (pictured below) 

Sunday was mean!!!!! We had ward conference which was really uplifting and I was able to receive a lot of revelation from that! Then we had an AWESOME meeting with Daniel (an investigator from a less-active family) He's so awesome! He seems genuinely interested and said that every time he goes to church or baptisms, he feels really good and refreshed and uplifted!!! Woohoo!!! SPIRIT!!! 

That night, we had an awesome meeting with the zone just to hype them up about the work. The Spirit was felt so strongly. This transfer will be great.

Last thing, this morning we went and helped President and Sister Checketts move out. But Sister Checketts made us some pancakes!!! YAY!!! 

Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield

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