Sunday, June 17, 2018


AHHHHHHHHH SORRY!!!!!! I feel bad, but I'll repent and do better this week! 

Okay! So these last two weeks have been crazy!!! Its been awesome though! I'll just share an experience or two from the past two weeks. 

2 weeks ago;
On Saturday (the 9th) we had trade-offs with the APs in their area. They work at Macquarie Uni, so I was back at home! I love working with the university students! They are so nice and willing to learn. Many of them are seeking for the path that they want to take in this life, which is perfect for our message (what is the purpose of life?). So, there I worked with Elder Sibbett, the man! He is so cool! Super energetic, outgoing; just an all around good time with him. We tried to talk to as many people as we could whilst the rain poured on our heads for part of the day. During the day, we taught a few lessons and went to a baptism. I SAW THREE AND YOUK AT THE BAPTISM!!!!! THE COOLEST PEOPLE EVER!!! That was really exciting to see them again. I missed them a lot. I hope I can go back and serve with them again some time. But it was a really cool, fun day with Elder Sibbett. A lot of random jokes that don't really make sense, and playing the tin whistle all over campus. So fun!

Last week;
So, last night, we went over to an elderly sisters house to give her the sacrament. She is suffering from bowel cancer, but received us with a huge smile. She was so happy to see us. After we gave her the sacrament, we sat and talked for a while. She shared her testimony, and pretty much everything else. She expressed to us how lonely she had been, and that she had been really hoping that some people would come over to visit her. As we left, she told us that she loves when we come over and just talk to her. There wasn't a need for a formal spiritual thought to be given in that home. The Spirit that was felt was unbelievably strong! As she shared with us her thoughts of the gospel and her faith in Christ, the Spirit rushed into the room. We shared with her ours, and gave her a blessing. I have not been in a blessing with that strong of a Spirit accompanying it. Its easy to feel when you are serving others, especially those who are open to receive it. 

That was kinda all over the place, but I love these people here. Yes, some yell at us, but I love the people. Its great! I love you all heaps! HAve a great week! 

1) President and Sister Checketts are going home!!! ;((((((((( 

2) We built a fort. hahah

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