Sunday, May 6, 2018

Early morning runs and Nimrod, the mighty hunter

HEY HEY HEY!!!! So this week was pretty dang fun. Super eventful, thats for sure. 
To start off, we had trade-offs on Tuesday. I went with Elder Aumua to his area. Not much really happened. We did a lot of finding and some service, so that was good. 

Wednesday was pretty average until  that night. We went on splits with the bishopric. That was so fun!!! I went with Brother Rorani, and Elder Ferguson went with Bishop Vinson. So fun! We went and visited some less-actives in the area and tried to get to know them a little better. We were able to get in touch with Nicholas and Vivianne. Both really nice people, and were happy to see us. I hope we can move forward with them; we'll see what happens. Elder Ferguson tried to see that massive family, but missed the mom by probably 5 minutes... her son was home. Oh well, overall pretty successful. 

So I've been trying to figure out what to do to get this area and the rest of my district moving. We decided to play a game this week where you get a certain number of points based on getting a new investigator, or having a lesson or getting someone to sacrament. From Friday to Sunday we played Dural area verses Normanhurst area. Man, the work went so well!! Although the new investigator numbers didn't really increase, work with less-actives did, and we had a pretty good turnout at church from the district! So I'm really excited about that even if Dural lost. I thought we were for sure going to win based on our awesome name, "Nimrod, the mighty hunter". Oh well. We all did well. 

Well, this morning elder Ferguson and I went on a run at sunrise. In the national park right by our house. Man, I learned two things this morning; 1) I love running!!! 2) I am soooo out of shape!!! hahahahaaha Oh well. We had a good time. 

Overall, not much movement with investigators this week as they were sick, but they came to church, so thats good!! Woohoo!! 

Love yall heaps!! I love to hear whats going on, so let me know! 
Love Elder Maxfield
 we made a fort again
End of run

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