Sunday, May 20, 2018

I'm an islander now! Oh and 2 Apostles came!!!!!!!

Well, this has been such a good week!!! First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM AND CLAIRE!!!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!! AND MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!! HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!! 

Man, this week was pretty awesome! We've been jam packed and it sounds like next week is gonna be even busier! But that's good! That's how the work is supposed to be right? So that's good. We found a ton of new investigators. Some of them are keen, some don't sound too interested, but that's okay, we'll just sift wheat from tares. I love being here though. I'm probably gonna gain HEAPS of weight, because last night we had dinner and they made us keep eating. Thankfully Elder Saedan (a missionary that came to dinner with us) is skinnier than me so the dad left me alone and made him eat a ton! hahahahahahahhaa 
Sounds like a Polynesian ward. But its been fun. I'm trying to pick up the culture and the language, but I'm gonna be honest, its hard. Thankfully Elder Clark is from New Zealand and he'll be there to help me out! He's already a really great companion. We seem to be on the same page most of the time, but more unity will come as we go. 

Okay, so highlight of the week!!!!!! PRESIDENT BALLARD AND ELDER STEVENSON CAME AND VISITED!!!!! Man, that was so cool!!!!!! We had a stake conference in the morning with President Ballard, and a combined mission meeting with both of them in the evening where we got to shake their hands. That was such a special experience. They really got us excited for the work and now we are ready for the transfer; to hit it with a ton of enthusiasm and faith. They're both great disciples of Christ.

I love this area. The people are mostly Polynesian, Indian, or Sri Lankan... if that's what they call themselves. hahaha All super nice and humble people. We went on trade offs and I got to be with Elder Graffe again for a day. We knocked one street with 50 some-odd doors on it. That took 3 hours cause most of the people were so nice and Really talkative. hahahah so fun though. 

I love it here, I'm doing well, and I hope all you are doing well too. The church is true guys. I can promise you that. Check it out, whats the point of not testing it? I love you guys heaps!!!! 
Love Elder Maxfield

We found this on a door. hahhaa I don't think they'd be allowed to do that

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