Sunday, March 11, 2018

Im famous!!!!

Hello my beautiful friends, family, and assorted "mates". First off, I want you to know that you are awesome!!! yep. :) That's all. 
So this week was a little hectic. I learned how to siphon this week, and that was super cool. Don't worry, we were taking water out of a pool, not gas out of a car. hahahhaaha. But that was fun. We were doing service for an ex-mission presidents wife who served in Melbourne. Shes so nice and told us all about her mission and her husband and her grand kids. Shes just a sweet lady. I love her. 

Okay, also, we met Brother Bailey this week. brother Bailey is "exceedingly rich". He's the CEO of ITP (income tax professionals). He is also the stake missionary leader and helps us out a ton because he used to be a mission president in New York. So we went over to his house and tried to figure out what advice he had for us. As you can see in my planner, one of our daily goals was to see, smell, and lick a Ferrari. We didn't lick it, but we accomplished the other two. His is a one of a kind, only in the world, Ferrari.So pretty!!! But, I don't have a picture,sorry. So he helped us a lot. 

Also, big news!!! I baptized someone this week!! Tiffany was a old investigator that I found in the city about 5 days before I left. She came to church with us and told us she had met with missionaries and had all the lessons in Melbourne. But I left... so I never got to teach her. However, a week or so ago, I got a call from Elder McCleskey and he said that she had asked me to baptize her. She said I want "the smiling Elder" to baptize me. They all thought it was Elder Clark (who never stops smiling) but then she said, "no, the one with the eyebrows" They all immediately knew who it was and called me up. hahahaahhaah. Also, most missionaries in this mission know about my eyebrows apparently. Or at least the ones that I've talked to have heard about them before they served with me. hahahaha so funny. Well, its been a cool week. Not much else to report.

Love you all heaps!!!! 
Elder Maxfield 
1) view from an investigators house (this is my area hahah) 
2) TIFFANY!!!! yay

sister williams always forgets my name... so she needs a reminder hahaha

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