Sunday, March 18, 2018

wow... what happened?

Well, this week was crazy, so Ill try to put in the highlights in a way that makes sense. 

We went to the city and worked at the giant Book of Mormon. So, we left and were like "oh, it probably wont rain". Yeah.. we were wrong. It DUPED!!!!! POURED!!! Other words that describe a torrential downpour! So we got totally soaked for the two hours we were there, but it was so fun!! I talked to a girl who was an usher for the Book of Mormon Musical. She'd seen the play a few times and knew that it wasn't really "accurate" so she wanted to learn more of what we're about. so cool!! OH! And we went to Outback Steakhouse with a super cool old lady. She gave the best advice ever. (more about her in later emails)

Interviews with President. He always gives the best advice. I'm really gonna miss him when he leaves, but I cant wait to meet our new President!!

MISSION CONFERENCE!!!!!! President Clayton of the Seventy came and spoke to our two missions on Friday. He told us our new President was going to be R. Scott? I think> He said like 5 different names and we're all confused. hhahaha But we're all super pumped for that. 

Other than that, heaps of appointments this week. Youk (an old investigator form the city) asked me to speak at his baptism, so I'll be going there next week. I'm so excited to see all these people in the city get baptized!!!!!! AHHHHH SO FUN!!! I'm so proud of them and their decisions. 

Well, thats pretty much all folks. Sorry, nothing new on investigators or anything. 
Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield

1) The city was so fun!!!! This is the display
2) we ran out of milk and I had already poured a bowl and put honey on top... it was too late. 

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