Monday, January 29, 2018

Its Australia day... and in other news, we had a baptism in the district

So Happy Australia day everyone!! I don't think anyone here really cared about the day. Even the Aussies didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Chinese New Year will be bigger here than Australia Day. HAhAHAHHAHA

So, two cool experiences this week. 
That was so awesome to see her be baptized. She seemed so happy and I got the opportunity to participate in her confirmation. Shes going to be such an amazing member of the church and she might go serve a mission. That's so cool!!! 

2) The Australia Sydney North Mission and the Australia Sydney South Mission will become the Australia Sydney Mission in July!!! WOAH!!!! One mission, 320 missionaries, baptisms.... 30000000. Its going to be so cool!!! I'm excited for the change but we are sad that President Checketts is going home. I hope the transition is smooth and everything works out well. But if you guys know anyone going to Sydney, L:ET ME KNOW!!!!

I hope you have a good week everyone!!! 
Love yall heaps!!!
Elder Maxfield!!

We celebrated Australia day with Vegemite toast and I took a bite out of raw Weet-Bix in the morning. YA Australia!!!! 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Spring Festival is the worst!! But the best too

So, everyone is in China now for Spring Festival. Chinese New Year for all of you who don't know what Spring Festival is. It sounds super cool, but it takes everyone away from us. There are also exams going on right now, so everyone is busy and cant meet up. Needless to say, a lot of finding was done this week. It was so fun though!! 

We also had trade offs with the zone leaders. That was awesome!!!! Elder Bush is the man!!! We did such good work that day. We played a finding game where we competed against everyone else in our area. It was exceedingly fun. We all tied though, so that's not okay. 

Sorry, this week was kind of dull, but I want to share with you that my testimony of the Book of Mormon has again been confirmed this week. Twice, I prayed to know if it was true. Twice, I received an answer almost immediately. I cannot deny what I know to be true. I love the Book of Mormon. I know it is the word of God. Please, read it. It will change your life. I love you all heaps.

Elder Maxfield

Ice cream with Elder McCleskey

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Pump up speeches and ice cream

So this week was pretty fun. I'm staying in UNSW!!!! I love this place! I hope I can stay for a while. 

I've heard that the last few weeks emails have been kind of confusing. Sorry about that. I will try to make them better. 

This week, I'd like to share just a couple experiences. 
1) Nash (in the picture below) is on date for the 10th of February! He is so awesome. I think I've talked a little bit about him before, but he's from Thailand and is learning so fast. He can play the guitar and teaches guitar lessons. So far, we have taught him the first 3 lessons and the 10 commandments. He hasn't had any problems with any of it, and when we showed him the baptismal interview questions, he said he had no problems except for the stuff he had never heard of before. haha. So we are excited to see him continue to progress. On Friday, we went to get ice cream with him, and it was so fun. He is really an awesome guy. 

Yesterday we had our amazing zone leaders give us a pump up speech. We believe that our zone is going to do incredible things this transfer. We have to work super hard, but we feel its possible. For me, I'm going to work on my motivation. I feel like I've been making excuses to not talk to people on the street, and that's not okay. So I am going to work on my motivation to go out and work hard all day every day. We've set some pretty high goals for the transfer, but we feel its possible if we work hard.

I was studying about faith this week and I read that literally, all things are possible if its Gods will. I realized, that our goals as missionaries should always be God's will; so why would they be impossible to achieve. I need to have more faith that we can achieve them. 

I love yall heaps

Elder Maxfield

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Teaching Spanish to Chinese people

So this week was awesome. About halfway through the week, we got a text from Three. She said that she had felt the spirit and she feels that she had felt it before but hadn't really accepted it. LITERALLY THE BEST TEXT EVER!!!!!! Three is so awesome. Shes preparing for baptism on the 20th of this month. I'm so excited! 

This week was a lot of teaching and a little bit of finding. We are sad that our district is falling apart. Sister Cookson goes home this week, Sister Vega is moving to the city, and.. that's it I guess. haha.

To finish off the letter, I'd like to share my testimony on President Monson. 
He is a prophet of God. He was called to lead and guide this church over these last few years. I've appreciated all he has done for this church as he has followed the direction Christ gives to him. I love this church and am excited to see what President Nelson will accomplish. 

Love yall heaps
Elder Maxfield

PS: We are teaching Three Spanish, just for fun. IDK if I mentioned that earlier.