Sunday, December 31, 2017

Xīnnián kuàilè

Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope you had an awesome break!!! Now, its back to school!! YAY!!!!! 

We had a super super stressful week, but it was awesome. The Lord continues to bless us with heaps of people to teach and I'm so grateful for that. Someone that came to church last week met with us 3 times this week and is already halfway through reading the Book of Mormon. She is super excited about religion and really likes our church. Shes done a ton of research and has found some anti mormon stuff but says she trusts the testimony of the witnesses in the Book of Mormon. Shes so awesome!!!!! Hopefully she will stay committed to be baptized on January 20th!

So we also, while calling people to come to church, met John. He said he was crazy bored and wanted a lesson that night. OKAY!!! So we met with him. We didnt know that he was going to bring two of his friends as well. They are all so interested and understand the topics super well!! Hopefully they can grow in their faith as they meet with us. 

Today we are having a sports day and are teaching our investigators how to play football. It will be super interesting. hahaha

Well, I don't know what else to say. 
I want you guys to know that I have seen the Saviors hand in my life. HE IS THERE. I cant deny that. He is amazing. I cant describe the love I have for Him and the appreciation I have for the gift He gave us. 
Love yall heaps. 

Elder Maxfield

Monday, December 25, 2017


So we had an amazing week. It was so crazy. I'm going to start listing miracles that happened. First, though, I want to tell you all that the Lord blesses those who are obedient. I have a huge testimony of that. As we are now in a trio, we wanted to follow the rules super super super closely and make sure we were obedient. So miracles quickly followed. Miracles we were not expecting at all. 

1) we now have 6 people on baptismal date. 

2) we got 15 investigators to church (mission record btw..) 

3) We had a man run up to us on the street asking to be baptized.

4 (this is my favorite) We have an investigator named Kevin. He is struggling to find his answer to whether God is real and all of that kind of stuff. He's so awesome though. So, we were teaching the 10 commandments and told him that if he wants an answer, he needs to come to church, pray, and keep the 10. He said yes cause hes awesome. Now, when Elder Formica was baring his testimony of it, I had a really really strong impression. So I said, "Kevin, if you do these things that we have committed you to do, then you will receive your answer next week." We are waiting for his answer to come this week. I cant wait for it to come!!! So excited! 

Too much to explain this week, I only had 30 minutes to read and write. So Ill leave you with that. I might not be able to email next week, but we'll see. I love you all heaps!!!

Love Elder Maxfield

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Ummm.. whats going on?

So this week was crazy! 

We had 6 lessons in the last 3 days and had a bunch of people show up that we didn't expect to show up to one of the lessons. (Allen, a new investigator, brought a few friends with him) So we got heaps of new investigators this week. Also, in those few lessons we had, 2 people are now on date to be baptized!!!! Tommy and Michael!! Both for the 13th of January. We will be trying really hard to get them so that they can be ready for that date. We also have a few more people that seem like they will be ready for baptism soon. We will invite them to be baptized in a lesson soon. 

So, heading home form the baptism of Summer (the Sisters taught her) we got a call from President. Elder Tseng (our district leader and flatmate) was emergency transferred to my old zone to be zone leader! Now, we don't have a district leader, and I am in a trio with two people still in training. So I guess I'm training 2 people right now and will probably be called as district leader tomorrow. hahaha. I will give more information on that next week. lol. 

Other than that super eventful week, nothing else happened. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Oh, that reminds me of a story. So, on Thursday we taught How. Nice guy from China. He was interested in learning about why we were different from other churches. So we taught him the restoration. At the beginning, he told us he wasn't willing to do anything like pray to know if what we teach is true. Then, as we related the message of the first vision, we saw a change in him. He then accepted the challenge to pray to know if our message was true. We teach him on Tuesday. MIRACLES!!!!  I'm excited to see how he progresses. 

Okay I love yall heaps!!!! Have a great Christmas!!!!!

Cool week at the opera house. 
We feasted wit bishop and all 14 other missionaries in the ward​

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Merry Christmas!!! Don't try to google translate that subject line because I probably spelled it wrong. Either way, that's Merry Christmas in Mandarin. I made it one of my goals this week to learn a few more phrases in Mandarin. So I learned that and Happy New Year. So cool! I learned some other ones, but then people told me what they meant. So never mind. :0

This week was EPIC!!!! CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE!!! The whole mission got together for a conference in Hebersham!! It was so fun!!! I got to see my old MTC district and my old zone people! That was really fun. We just caught up and hung out the whole time after President and the Assistants were done with their training. So fun!! 
Otherwise, not much happened this week.Just some more finding and a few lessons. Nothing to really report on yet. It will get there. 

Love yall heaps!!!! Miss you tons too; but I know I'm here because I have been called of God and it is my duty and privilege to serve Him. I love this work. For those of you going out to serve, I'm proud of you. For those of you feeding the missionaries, thank you. For those of you whoa re helping in any way, you're the best! And for anyone who does not know of the truthfulness of this church, please, seek to find it. Just try it out. What do you have to lose from trying? 

Love yall
Elder Chris Maxfield

1) Christmas Conference!!! Old MTC district!
2)We got to watch MOANA!!!!!!
3) Book of Mormon in German..? Yes! Im gonna learn it. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hello everyone!!!

So UNSW is so fun!!! Its awesome being on a college campus!!! We aren't allowed to wear our name tags, so its a little weird. We need to stay under the radar. I think its pretty fun; cause then we can just make friends with people, and then tell them what we do. hahahaha They'll never see it coming! Just kidding, everyone knows who we are. But they're super nice and love to talk to us. 

We have so many investigators... I'm a little overwhelmed. We just need to organize though. Once that's done, we will have our heads on straight. 

So my companion is Elder Mcclesky. He"s from American Fork Utah. Hes pretty cool. We get along really well. He has a pretty big desire to do the work, so its just my job to show him how to do it. I have no idea what I'm doing as a trainer, so that's fun. HAHAHAHA I think it will all work out though. Just see how things go I guess. 

I love you all heaps. Have fun at home!! And school. And work. 
Love Elder Maxfield