Monday, September 4, 2017

I'm coming home, coming home, tell the world I'm comin home

No, that doesn't mean I'm coming home to Tracy. Sydney will be my home
for the next 2 years. So I'm calling that home. We leave Monday !!!
I'm so excited!! But the plane ride is going to be AWFUL!! Oh well.
It'll be really cool.
Anyways, this week was ai'ight. (The studio C skit forgot to put in
the apostrophe). We had 4 investigators Monday! And then on Tuesday
one of them had to make a last minute trip/move to Arizona. And then
we had 3. So we taught them a flew times.Thursday we had 3
appointments set up. 2 of them were no-shows.. and never got back to
us. Then there was 1. We met him again yesterday and asked if he would
be baptized. After explaining to him "baptism by proper authority" he
asked what he needed to do to be baptized!!!!! So I'm excited for him.
I hope he gets in contact with the missionaries in the field so he can
get baptized.
I hope you guys took a look at those videos I sent last week. They're
great!! So good.
I got to run 5 miles last night and that felt AMAZING!!! It was all in
door on a track that was .1 miles=1 lap. So did 50 laps. That was fun.
Not much else happened this week. The MTC is pretty bland. But yeah.
It was a cool week.
I know this church is true. I know Jospeh Smith was a prophet called
of God and that he restored his church on the earth. We have a prophet
that receive revelation from God today. His name is Thomas S. Monson.
He has apostles that also receive revelation from God. This church is
amazing everyone. If you don't believe or have a small testimony in
it, I encourage you to seek it out and grow that testimony. I write
this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen
-Elder Maxfield

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