Sunday, September 24, 2017


So, Ill get to the subject title in a bit. 
This week was interesting. Tuesday I did exchanges with Elder PhimPhan (PimPan). He's from Thailand and is crazy. He's a funny guy. So we had almost no luck all day, but at like 7:15, when normally we'd be back home since there's no luck after 6 here, we were walking through the market just to do one last round, and we met Denis. He's a super nice guy who's from the Philippines. He's here being trained for a new position at work. He's an IT guy for a company that sells pet insurance.... for some reason pet insurance is a thing here. HAHAHA Super weird. So he wants to meet with us and we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and a restoration pamphlet. 

The rest of the week was a little uneventful. Friday though, Elder Warth and I, my homie, went on exchanges. He's so awesome. Like seriously, I'm so happy I'm in an apartment with him. We've been talking a ton and hes a super cool guy. So we did exchanges on Friday and we were walking down the street. By the way, hes a blonde kid from Idaho. So we were walking down the street, and this huge group of girls on the other side of the street were like "You guys are so hot!! Come talk to us!!" No thanks Satan, not today!!! So we left. HAHAAHA So that's really the only funny story for the week. Elder Warth and I were joking about how that's why you don't put two American, blonde missionaries together in a foreign country. 

So, onto the subject title. So for the last few weeks Elder Warth and I have noticed that they talk A LOT about America in church here. Like, some of the talks have been centered on America. Super weird, but they have all had a point to them. So yesterday, apparently there was a 70 that came to church. The Bishop was the last person to speak in Sacrament and he talked about how the US government is how the world should be set up. (Not talking about like modern politics, but like democracy). And he asked a rhetorical question. "When was the last time you read the Constitution or the Federalist Papers?" I was a little confused by that. He had a point in everything though, so it was all good stuff. I just thought it was funny that even in Australia, America is awesome. HAHAAHAHAHAAHA 

Oh, and at some point last week we got a call that said that a lady had called the temple and wanted to learn more about the church. Her and her husband came to church yesterday! They're from Armenia. Super nice people though. And Elder Graffe and I went over to Wayne's house yesterday and will follow up with him tonight. Pictures below of his house. Its pretty cool. 

Well guys, this week has been good. Love ya'll and hope you're doing well in your various activities/en devours.

Elder Maxfield

1) Elder PhimPhan and I at Milson's point.
2)Our Area
The rest) Wayne's house

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