Monday, August 28, 2017

Teach by the spirit

Okay, this week was AWESOME!! So my district was chosen (before we got here) to be part of what's called the pilot program. This is basically testing out a new way to teach in the MTC. So, instead of being in class for 9 hours a day, we have 2 mandatory hours a day, broken up into 2 different classes. All the other time, we can choose to be in class, studying, contacting investigators online through, or out teaching investigators that walk around the MTC. Most of them are paid actors that are members, but some of them are actually non-members!!! Elder Rex and I are teaching Bradley and Jonathan. They're both awesome. Jonathan is an atheist so that's kinds hard to teach and Bradley was studying to be a pastor but chose business instead. They're both pretty cool. So, our first lesson with Bradley went awful!!!!! We were fumbling and we stuck to our lesson plan too much instead of listening to him. So that was a mess. The same happened, more or less, with Jonathan's first lesson. But his first lesson was a lot better. But! In both of their second lessons, we taught with the spirit and listened to what they had to say and what they needed. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! The spirit was so strong!! I really think they are both trying to learn. It's great. We'll have to see what comes out of that. 

I've been thinking a lot this week about some people and some things I've either struggled with or just some things that were shared in class. So I'm gonna put some links at the bottom of some GREAT AND AWESOME videos that all you can share. Or at least should look at. They're great. 

I think that about covers the week.... we got flight plans and we leave September 4th and get to Australia on the 6th.. yay hahhaha. 

I love this gospel everyone. Go out and teach. If you dont know of its truth, go and learn. 


Elder Rex and I doing contacting online 

We were given Cactus Jack as a gift from a district who was leaving. Respect him.


By the way. This is the view from my classroom.

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