Monday, September 11, 2017


I havent heard a single person say that so far. So I dont know if its a real thing. However, my area is 90% Asian and 10% Aussie so I dont know yet. 
So the work is hard. Im loving it, but its hard. My trainer is awesome! Elder Graffe. He's form Tahiti and is working me pretty hard. He has only been out for 6 months so we're learning together but we're doing a good job as far as I can tell. 
There aren't a lot of people that want to talk to us. So that's pretty difficult, but it's whatever right? We'll find those people that are ready for us eventually. 
We are teaching an old guy though! His name is Wayne. He's super cool and is crazy into Edison phonographs. He has over 100 machines and probably over 2000 records. It's nuts. His house is like a museum. Its so cool. And he loves to talk. We invited him to be baptized on Saturday, but he says he's reluctant to give up his church. He has a hard time letting go because it was his parents and grandparents church. So we'll work on it and just listen to what he has to say and what his concerns are. 
IF YOU AREN'T DOING MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK, (as Elder Clayton would say) REPENT AND SIN NO MORE!! Us missionaries can't do this work alone. It's almost impossible to bring lots of others to the church if you aren't sharing!!! So, SEND THE MISSIONARIES REFERRALS AND HELP THEM OUT!!!! (drop mic)
I love this work everyone! I hope you all are doing great at school and at home and a bunch of other things too!! 
Love yall!

1) View from my MTC classroom
2) MTC district 
3) My boy Elder Rex
4) Elder Graffe and I (Yes, that's the opera house) 
5) View from a house in Wollstonecraft SICK!!!!

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