Sunday, March 25, 2018

To the young, old, and those going on their missions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH CLAIRES GOING ON A MISSION. AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU CLAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to know where shes going, you can ask her, I don't want to steal any thunder. 

Okay, so this week was very eventful. We had a couple trade offs and those were all door knocking. 
We also went to Youk's baptism!!!! YOUK IS THE MAN!!!!! He was an old investigator from the city, and I really got along with him. So he invited me to speak at his baptism. he told me that the first time he felt the spirit was that night after the bridge. he felt it really strongly, and two days later, he was ready to hear the message of the Atonement and accept baptism. He's great! 

Well, not much else to really report on this week. Lots of teaching lessons that were a little strange, but tahts okay. 
Well, I love yall heaps! 

Elder Maxfield

Sunday, March 18, 2018

wow... what happened?

Well, this week was crazy, so Ill try to put in the highlights in a way that makes sense. 

We went to the city and worked at the giant Book of Mormon. So, we left and were like "oh, it probably wont rain". Yeah.. we were wrong. It DUPED!!!!! POURED!!! Other words that describe a torrential downpour! So we got totally soaked for the two hours we were there, but it was so fun!! I talked to a girl who was an usher for the Book of Mormon Musical. She'd seen the play a few times and knew that it wasn't really "accurate" so she wanted to learn more of what we're about. so cool!! OH! And we went to Outback Steakhouse with a super cool old lady. She gave the best advice ever. (more about her in later emails)

Interviews with President. He always gives the best advice. I'm really gonna miss him when he leaves, but I cant wait to meet our new President!!

MISSION CONFERENCE!!!!!! President Clayton of the Seventy came and spoke to our two missions on Friday. He told us our new President was going to be R. Scott? I think> He said like 5 different names and we're all confused. hhahaha But we're all super pumped for that. 

Other than that, heaps of appointments this week. Youk (an old investigator form the city) asked me to speak at his baptism, so I'll be going there next week. I'm so excited to see all these people in the city get baptized!!!!!! AHHHHH SO FUN!!! I'm so proud of them and their decisions. 

Well, thats pretty much all folks. Sorry, nothing new on investigators or anything. 
Love yall heaps!!! 
Elder Maxfield

1) The city was so fun!!!! This is the display
2) we ran out of milk and I had already poured a bowl and put honey on top... it was too late. 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Im famous!!!!

Hello my beautiful friends, family, and assorted "mates". First off, I want you to know that you are awesome!!! yep. :) That's all. 
So this week was a little hectic. I learned how to siphon this week, and that was super cool. Don't worry, we were taking water out of a pool, not gas out of a car. hahahhaaha. But that was fun. We were doing service for an ex-mission presidents wife who served in Melbourne. Shes so nice and told us all about her mission and her husband and her grand kids. Shes just a sweet lady. I love her. 

Okay, also, we met Brother Bailey this week. brother Bailey is "exceedingly rich". He's the CEO of ITP (income tax professionals). He is also the stake missionary leader and helps us out a ton because he used to be a mission president in New York. So we went over to his house and tried to figure out what advice he had for us. As you can see in my planner, one of our daily goals was to see, smell, and lick a Ferrari. We didn't lick it, but we accomplished the other two. His is a one of a kind, only in the world, Ferrari.So pretty!!! But, I don't have a picture,sorry. So he helped us a lot. 

Also, big news!!! I baptized someone this week!! Tiffany was a old investigator that I found in the city about 5 days before I left. She came to church with us and told us she had met with missionaries and had all the lessons in Melbourne. But I left... so I never got to teach her. However, a week or so ago, I got a call from Elder McCleskey and he said that she had asked me to baptize her. She said I want "the smiling Elder" to baptize me. They all thought it was Elder Clark (who never stops smiling) but then she said, "no, the one with the eyebrows" They all immediately knew who it was and called me up. hahahaahhaah. Also, most missionaries in this mission know about my eyebrows apparently. Or at least the ones that I've talked to have heard about them before they served with me. hahahaha so funny. Well, its been a cool week. Not much else to report.

Love you all heaps!!!! 
Elder Maxfield 
1) view from an investigators house (this is my area hahah) 
2) TIFFANY!!!! yay

sister williams always forgets my name... so she needs a reminder hahaha

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Everybody's got a hillbilly bone down deep inside

Even the Aussies listen to country. Well at least one family that we met. Brother Harris told us about an acapella ( I think thats how you spell it but the computer doesnt like it...?) group that is country. He showed us them singing "How Great Thou Art". It was soooo good!!!! Home Free is the name of the group. 
Okay, so, I will explain my area for you. :) 

So, we live outside of our area, so we have to bus 45 minutes to get to Cherrybrook. That's a huge neighborhood that has best mostly knocked. The people there are pretty nice though. There's a few other places that are neighborhood areas. Pennant Hills, Thornleigh, Castle Hill, and... I think that's it. TONS OF EUCALYPTUS TREES!! They're everywhere. Like, that's all you see. Ill have to send a picture on time of that. Then when you head up north, its all acreage. Huge plots of land with mansions!!! Everywhere!! Its just land too, they don't really grow anything, just land. That's where a lot of ward members live, so its fun to travel up there. SOOO pretty. But yeah, that's pretty much the area.

We don't have anyone to teach right now. All lessons are pending. we cant really get in contact with anyone. And the one guy we taught said he wants to stick to his church. (we'll see about that when he feels the spirit). 
Ummm, other news. We got to go to the city!!!!!!! And we manned the giant Book Of Mormon. We had a lot of fun and I loved!!!! being in the city again!! Street contacting is so fun! I got into a conversation with someone from Gilbert AZ, that was so cool! Hopefully he came back later like he said he would to check out the display...? Nothing else really.. It was a good week. 

BTW everyone, Elder Ferguson is the man!! We talked about country music for about 7 hours (while working of course) the other day. Just all the songs and bands we could remember. It was so fun!!!!!! 

Okay, love yall heaps!!!!