Sunday, October 29, 2017


Que pasa everyone????? Hope you guys are doing well!!!!

So this week was an interesting one. a lot of random stuff happened, and I cant even remember most of the week. So, highlights. Tuesday, we had interviews with President, I love that man. Hes so awesome and he is super helpful with any problems or questions that we have. We've called him a few times with questions because the zone leaders and assistants didn't know the answers to them. Don't worry, we're not bugging him, its been like twice. 

Umm, we met with Joseph twice this week. That was really good and hard. Tuesday, we talked to him about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Hes reading it every day, so that's really good to see him. He believes that its all true, so that's even better!!!! Thursday, we taught him the rest of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was receptive. When we asked him to be baptized, he brought up his baptism that hes already had. He explained to him that baptism must be done by proper authority, otherwise it doesn't FULLY work (for lack of a better term). He said that he'll really have to think about it. He's not in a good head space right now because hes not sleeping at all, so we will see where everything goes with him. We are praying every night for him to sleep better, and to have energy. We meet again this Thursday

Also, Jack (19-20ish) came up to us on the street the other day. "Hey. Where do I learn more about you guys?" "RIGHT HERE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! TALK TO US!!!!" hahahaha (Something weird must have been going on that day or something) So we are meeting with him on Thursday this week and will see what comes out of that. 

Otherwise, Not much is going on, just continuing the work, and working hard every single day, all day long. I love it. I love this gospel and am just really stating to discover what it means to me. So i encourage all of you to discover that for yourselves. If you know nothing about the church, I invite you to learn. Test it out. What's the worst that could happen? So try me. 

I love you all heaps!!!
Elder Maxfield

1) Ready for district meeting (giant Book of Mormon)

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