Sunday, October 22, 2017

Oh say can you see?

So last Monday was awesome. We went to Milsons point with basically the whole zone (we didn't plan to have that many people but word got out) and sent Elder Wright (our AP) home. We got some party popper things and the noise makers and gave him a good farewell. We also gathered all the American missionaries that were there and we sang the Star Spangled Banner to him. Just to remind him of what America was like. As soon as we started singing, there were about 50 Asian tourists that came and started watching and recording us. It was so funny. Elder Wright will be missed. 

Dong will also be missed. He went back to China on Friday, so that's really sad. But he promised to read the Book of Mormon every day that he was gone. 

Otherwise, this week was a lot of hard work, but it was good. I had a good time and still have a ton to learn. We are going to invite Joseph to be baptized tomorrow so be on the lookout for a response next week. If I don't write you guys next week, you know what happened. HAHHA Just kidding I'll still write. 
So the pictures... Elder Peterson loves his protein more than life itself, and we had a big party. Elder Warth and I are pretty good friends, as you can see, and Dong is now gone.. Sad day. 

Love ya'll heaps

Elder Maxfield

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