Sunday, October 8, 2017

English class is the bomb

HAHA so. Dong (the Dr from China) is awesome. We've been teaching him lessons and just found out and got approval for him to be baptized before he leaves again for China. Since its so soon, he would not be able to go to church the normal 3 weeks in a row, so we needed approval. Now, we just need Dong to accept the invitation to be baptized. HAHAHAHA. I think he'll accept though. Also, the pictures are of Dong and I at English class. I'm helping him write his essays. So he wanted to take a super cheesy photo of me pretending to teach him. I love him so much. He's hilarious. 

When we taught him about Joseph Smith's vision, he asked why he was the one chosen. We explained that we only know that God chose him for a reason. he replied "Well, he probably chose him because he was close to the book. If he chose me, Id have to go all the way to America. And they probably wouldn't approve my Visa. 'BUT GOD SENT ME TO TRANSLATE THIS BOOK!! YOU NEED TO APPROVE MY VISA'" He is the funniest guy. So he's progressing a lot.

We also met Joseph this week. An old investigator from past missionaries. He's super keen and we hope he joins the church. He's a Lebanese man. About 55ish.. and lives with his mom. She prevented him from getting baptized the last time he agreed to be baptized. We'll see what we can do. 

Well, to be short, I drove for the first time this morning. It was scary. We almost died but we didn't, so that's good. Now i guess i'm Approved to drive. So we'll see when I actually get to do that. It might not be any time soon. 

Conference was amazing guys, if you didnt have a chance to watch it, watch it. Really good advice given in it. Follow the words of the prophets guys, they know whats up and you dont. I have a testimony of that for sure!!!
Love you all heaps!!!

Elder Chris Maxfield

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