Sunday, October 29, 2017


Que pasa everyone????? Hope you guys are doing well!!!!

So this week was an interesting one. a lot of random stuff happened, and I cant even remember most of the week. So, highlights. Tuesday, we had interviews with President, I love that man. Hes so awesome and he is super helpful with any problems or questions that we have. We've called him a few times with questions because the zone leaders and assistants didn't know the answers to them. Don't worry, we're not bugging him, its been like twice. 

Umm, we met with Joseph twice this week. That was really good and hard. Tuesday, we talked to him about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Hes reading it every day, so that's really good to see him. He believes that its all true, so that's even better!!!! Thursday, we taught him the rest of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was receptive. When we asked him to be baptized, he brought up his baptism that hes already had. He explained to him that baptism must be done by proper authority, otherwise it doesn't FULLY work (for lack of a better term). He said that he'll really have to think about it. He's not in a good head space right now because hes not sleeping at all, so we will see where everything goes with him. We are praying every night for him to sleep better, and to have energy. We meet again this Thursday

Also, Jack (19-20ish) came up to us on the street the other day. "Hey. Where do I learn more about you guys?" "RIGHT HERE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! TALK TO US!!!!" hahahaha (Something weird must have been going on that day or something) So we are meeting with him on Thursday this week and will see what comes out of that. 

Otherwise, Not much is going on, just continuing the work, and working hard every single day, all day long. I love it. I love this gospel and am just really stating to discover what it means to me. So i encourage all of you to discover that for yourselves. If you know nothing about the church, I invite you to learn. Test it out. What's the worst that could happen? So try me. 

I love you all heaps!!!
Elder Maxfield

1) Ready for district meeting (giant Book of Mormon)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Oh say can you see?

So last Monday was awesome. We went to Milsons point with basically the whole zone (we didn't plan to have that many people but word got out) and sent Elder Wright (our AP) home. We got some party popper things and the noise makers and gave him a good farewell. We also gathered all the American missionaries that were there and we sang the Star Spangled Banner to him. Just to remind him of what America was like. As soon as we started singing, there were about 50 Asian tourists that came and started watching and recording us. It was so funny. Elder Wright will be missed. 

Dong will also be missed. He went back to China on Friday, so that's really sad. But he promised to read the Book of Mormon every day that he was gone. 

Otherwise, this week was a lot of hard work, but it was good. I had a good time and still have a ton to learn. We are going to invite Joseph to be baptized tomorrow so be on the lookout for a response next week. If I don't write you guys next week, you know what happened. HAHHA Just kidding I'll still write. 
So the pictures... Elder Peterson loves his protein more than life itself, and we had a big party. Elder Warth and I are pretty good friends, as you can see, and Dong is now gone.. Sad day. 

Love ya'll heaps

Elder Maxfield

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Still in Chatswood

This week was alright. Not much going on besides a whole lot of doors closed on us. That's alright, we're gonna find those people that have been prepared to receive our message. 

So, updates on investigators: Amy (the crazy lady from Malaysia) she moved to Campsie, which is in the city. She still calls us every now and then for an update on her affairs. Shes interesting. 
Dong is moving to China on friday and we are only able to meet with him one more time. I guess he's been super busy these last few weeks. So hopefully when he comes back next year, he'll be more ready to receive the message. 
Joseph is progressing well. He shared a dream he had a long time ago that was very similar to Lehi's dream in 1st Nephi 8. So we shared with him the dream and he seemed really excited about it!!!! We have another lesson with him tomorrow and we'll follow up on that as well as teach him the gospel of Christ. We're really excited for the lesson tomorrow. We're going to invite him to be baptized! Hopefully hes excited and says yes!!!

Not much else this week. We had zone conference and transfer calls. I'm not moving and everyone is staying in my flat, so no changes there. 

Oh, the birds here (except magpie) are super chill, so you can handfeed them! I dont know how good of quality this picture is, sorry. 
Love ya heaps guys!!!

Elder Maxfield

Sunday, October 8, 2017

English class is the bomb

HAHA so. Dong (the Dr from China) is awesome. We've been teaching him lessons and just found out and got approval for him to be baptized before he leaves again for China. Since its so soon, he would not be able to go to church the normal 3 weeks in a row, so we needed approval. Now, we just need Dong to accept the invitation to be baptized. HAHAHAHA. I think he'll accept though. Also, the pictures are of Dong and I at English class. I'm helping him write his essays. So he wanted to take a super cheesy photo of me pretending to teach him. I love him so much. He's hilarious. 

When we taught him about Joseph Smith's vision, he asked why he was the one chosen. We explained that we only know that God chose him for a reason. he replied "Well, he probably chose him because he was close to the book. If he chose me, Id have to go all the way to America. And they probably wouldn't approve my Visa. 'BUT GOD SENT ME TO TRANSLATE THIS BOOK!! YOU NEED TO APPROVE MY VISA'" He is the funniest guy. So he's progressing a lot.

We also met Joseph this week. An old investigator from past missionaries. He's super keen and we hope he joins the church. He's a Lebanese man. About 55ish.. and lives with his mom. She prevented him from getting baptized the last time he agreed to be baptized. We'll see what we can do. 

Well, to be short, I drove for the first time this morning. It was scary. We almost died but we didn't, so that's good. Now i guess i'm Approved to drive. So we'll see when I actually get to do that. It might not be any time soon. 

Conference was amazing guys, if you didnt have a chance to watch it, watch it. Really good advice given in it. Follow the words of the prophets guys, they know whats up and you dont. I have a testimony of that for sure!!!
Love you all heaps!!!

Elder Chris Maxfield

Monday, October 2, 2017

Its cities and farms, its open arms, one nation under God, its America

So I have a cool story about this subject this week. Ill get to it later. 

This week was super busy and went by so slow!!
Tuesday, we went on splits with the zone leaders. Elder Peterson is so awesome! I learned so much and we got like 3 return appointments. Of course they were all in his area.. Dangit. Oh well. He also told me about this great talk. The need for an atonement by somethin Skouson. Super super good talk if you have 2 hours to listen to it. It took us 3 days to listen to it. 

Wednesday was so busy!!! We had englsih class in the morning, then district meeting, then we had the english class that the missionaries teach to people that want to come. That was so fun. I helped a doctor write an essay on the flaws of Chinese public hospitals. He's from China. AT the end of class, Elder Graffe asked if he'd like to learn about our message that we normally share. he said yes!!! So we taught him on Friday and he wants to be baptized so that he can go and be a missionary. (hes like 35 ahhahahaah) Oh well, he's a good guy. On friday we also met Amy. Shes sorta crazy but super nice. She thought we offered jobs so that's what she came to us for but is now actually interested in the message. SHE CAME TO CHURCH TOO!!! She's from Malaysia and when we met, she said probably 50 times that I have beautiful eyes and that i look like David Beckham and Edward from Twilight.... Okay... HAHAHAHA so funny.

So, Saturday sucked. It was sseriously the worst. Nobody wanted to talk, our appointments fell through, it was terrible. Elder Warth and Phimphan didn't have any luck either, so it was rough. So, all 4 of us decided to go get food. (probably kfc). Then we found this burger place and decided to check it out. There was a member there that insisted on paying for us, so that was nice. So this place was a classic American burger shop kinda place. It was rockin classic rock and they had shakes and burgers, it was awesome. So Elder Warth and I were in our happy place. It seriously felt like I was home again. I was beyond happy. So when we got home, Elder Warth and I sang patriotic songs at the tops of our lungs. HAHAHAHA. So, it' America yall. 

Other than that, not many occurrences. Just keep doin the work. Lots and lots of study this week about the atonement!!! It was so awesome!!! I love the fact that Jesus suffered and died for me so that I can repent for being stupid. Its just so great!!! I cant wait for conference!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys!!
Elder Maxfield

1) Our movie theater to watch the district
2) The glory of a good burger place