Monday, August 21, 2017

Am I small or insignificant today?

The MTC President said that on Wednesday  and it is so accurate. I'm currently feeling both. I have realized that I am nothing and need to humble myself so that i can be an instrument for the Lord to use. 

This week was crazy so far. BTW, Pday is on Saturday here in the MTC so I get to email today. 
So Wednesday was sad, but I was so excited that I didn't cry hugging mom and dad goodbye. (Sorry guys, I do love you). But I was so excited!!!! Like, NEW FAZE OF MY LIFE!!!! HOW AWESOME?!?!?!?! But it was cool, I met my district and we're all going to Sydney North except the sisters. They're going to Witchita Kansas. They're all so cool!!! I love them already. The district leader that was chosen is super cool. Elder Warth. He's awesome. Small man, but spiritual giant.

You know, when I came here, I was excited to be with a bunch of people that wanted to serve the Lord and be obedient. Why does everyone seem to be okay with breaking the mission rules? And on top of that call those who follow them "sticklers" or "needy"? That doesn't make sense to me?
Oh well, they will figure it out. I know that if I follow the mission rules that I will be blessed. Regardless of what others are doing.

My companion is awesome!!!! Elder Rex. He's from a tiny tiny town up by Park City. He wants to follow the rules too, so I'm glad that I got paired with him. He's really awesome.

Yesterday, I finally got to go running. I went with Elder WARTH, OUR DISTRICT LEADER, AND IT WAS AWESOME. Sorry about the all caps but I don't want to change it right now. It felt so good to finally go running. We went like 3 miles around the MTC and it felt AWESOME!!!!

I love my mission now, and its only just barely started. I love my Savior, and I know that through Him, and only Him, that we can be saved. And that if we come to Him, He will be pleased with us. I have a long way to go, but I'm excited for the growth I'll experience on my mission.

Love y'all and have a great week.
Elder Maxfield

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