Sunday, May 26, 2019

Heaps of miracles and cool experiences

Hey everyone!!! Sorry I didn't send an email last week, I'm sure you all missed it sooooo much. Probably wondered if i was still alive or if i was hurt. Ya know, Australia is a very dangerous country. Haha. 
Well these last two weeks have been so awesome. Highlights
1) Of course, the top highlight is going to be seeing the prophet. On Sunday the 19th we were able to go (as a mission) to a fireside in Sydney with President Nelson, Elder Gong, and their wives. They all had some amazing points to speak on. But the biggest part about it was the Spirit that I felt during it. That man, president Nelson is a prophet of God. No disputing it. I felt that confirmation once again on Sunday night. He is guided by the Spirit and by Jesus Christ to know what he needs to share with us. 
2) there were sooo many small miracles these last two weeks. For example; we had exactly the right amount of change for the parking meter. When we overstayed the parking time, we didn't get a ticket. Another time we were in a huge rush to get to a dinner appointment and there was like no parking on the street except for right in front of their flat. So, miracles. We also didn't know what to teach this family, because they are so awesome already. Well the Spirit prompted us to share a certain message with a certain commitment and they told us at the end of the lesson that that was the exact thing they needed to hear that night. That is always such a comforting thing to hear people say. There were many many others that happened. I'm so grateful for the Lord showing His hand in our work. 
3) WE FINALLY MET SOMEONE!!!!!!! AND THEY LET US IN!!!!! So for the last 4 weeks we've been trying to find members and we had visited like 20 of them, literally only 1 of them was home and she was super super crazy. Well, we knocked on this door and they said, "yeah hes here, come on in!" Elder Halls and I were sooooo shocked. We were like, what the heck, really? Hahaha. But this guy was sooo cool!! He was seriously like me and elder halls combined. He likes all the same things we do so that was even more of a miracle. So that was awesome. 
4) Every May through June Sydney does something called Vivid. This is when the entire opera house bay gets lit up by super super cool lights. (See pictures below). It was so awesome. Its definitely been on my list for the last 20 months Haha. 
5) so transfers came around. After being in this area for 4 weeks I figured I was pretty safe and would just die quietly in South Harbour. Well, I was wrong. I'm now in Claremont Meadows with Elder Brown. So far it's a pretty awesome area. I'll most likely be here for my last 7 weeks and I'm super excited to be here. The ward seems awesome and the area sounds pretty productive.  Plus elder brown is awesome. Hes originally from American Samoa but moved to Washington his Sophomore year. So we'll be out here in Claremont having a gospel party! 

Hey everyone! The gospel is soooo true. Jesus Christ has once again organized His church on the Earth and He wants everyone to find it. That's why I'm out here. So people can hear and receive His gospel. I love Him, and I am grateful for what He has done for me in sacrificing Himself to help me and save me. I love my Savior and I love Heavenly Father. 
Have a great week everyone. Love yall heaps!!!!!! 
Elder Maxfield 

Got to see some friends from Canberra. The punzals!
Sydney Vivid. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Hey everyone and happy mothers day to all you wonderful mothers and grandmothers!! You guys are pretty dang awesome! All of us children and grandchildren of yours appreciate you SOOOOOOO much and love you hecka heaps as!!!!!!!!!! 
So this week was a lot of driving, and very few people being home. Being in the city, but not street contracting makes things very very difficult. We don't really have any good place to street contact without treading on the YSA missionaries' turf, so we are going through the ward list and visiting everyone. With that comes city traffic and a lot of "no right turn" signs. After finally arriving to our destination, no one is home...ever. Frustration is sometimes higher than it needs to be, but we have a really great time. We try our best to make sure we have a good time throughout the day. 
Oh! Also, we've run into some pretty odd things in this area. I think I already told you about the blood on her walls lady, if not, well, yeah... Anyways. Last night we were going and visiting people and it was crazy! We went to visit this one couple and the main door to the complex opens, letting us in. We go inside and its kind of a weird place. Then this SUPER crazy looking guy comes around the corner and gets on the elevator with us. We're like.. uh....... then we get off the elevator and the hallways had writing all over them and everyone we met in the building was sooooo crazy, asking us for cigarettes and stuff. It was a pretty weird experience. Upon leaving the building, I realize that the main door that opened when we got there was actually a SUPER heavy duty metal and bullet proof glass, door. Needless to say, we'll be going back again tomorrow. Hahaha jk not going back there again hahaha. 
Well, I think that's about it. I got to see a few other friends this week at games night and going out to dinner. That was really really awesome. I'm glad I was able to see them. I was talking to Elder Halls and we both agreed that one of the things we'll miss the most about Sydney is all of the Chinese people. I love them so much!!!!! They're all awesome! 
Okay. Love yall heaps!!!! Keep being awesome moms you moms. And everyone else, yeah, you're cool too. Hahahha love yall
Elder Maxfield. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Wow, I missed the city!

Dang I missed this place so much! Seriously, I love the people here so much and I am so excited to see them all again. 
So this week was a little odd. When I first got here, an old friend, Archie, said "I have to hang out with you." I was totally fine with that; seeing an old friend again. So he took us out to dinner one night and we had a good talk catching up and talking about the gospel as well. Hes so awesome! (We went to the Thai restaurant that we live above hahaha). 
Also, this area is pretty dang wealthy, and a lot of people work, so the daytime is tough. We decided that the best option was to visit all of the 71+ year old people on our ward list to see if they're still there/alive. 
Well, we started and got to one sisters house. She has been less active for a while but was very very sweet and invited us in. We chatted for a while and she talked pretty much about everything. We then said a prayer before we left. On the way out, I walked past a wall that had dirty splotches on it. I looked closer at it to see what they were. Clearly they were from some liquid that had dried. As I got closer, I realized that it was blood. My companion saw it too, got closer, and 100% agreed. There were also feathers all over the floor. I'm not saying this lady is a bird murderer (or a "birderer" I guess) but something went down in there. She was so nice though and gave us food. We'll go back and visit her. She's cool. 
Also, I was able to catch up with a really good friend from when I was with tobler and fang over 6 months ago in the city!! LISA!!!!! She's been in China a lot, but we were able to catch her before she heads back to China next Sunday. We had an awesome time and its sooooo good to hear that she loves the Lord so much still, that she faithfully reads the Book of Mormon frequently, and tries to share it with her family. She's such a stud!! It was awesome to see her again!!! 
Other than that, not much to share. 
Just want yall to know that I love the Lord! He has helped me so much, and I've seen that my desire to serve Him has increased soooo much! That's definitely Him changing me. It's incredible how much He can do that when we let Him. Stay converting everyone! 
Love you heaps
Elder Maxfield

Archie, elder barnes elder halls and I. (We were in a trio)
The zone (well, half of it)
Me elder halls and lisa (elder barnes got transferred) (president is doing CRAZY things with the mission)