Sunday, November 19, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving from a land of no Thanksgivings Days

Lots of rain this week. And also a lot of sunshine. The weather here is nuts. It was a good, fast week though. I cant believe transfer calls are this Saturday!!! Who knows where I'll go or if I'll stay...? It'll be cool though. 
So this week we had trade offs. I went out with Elder Phimphan. He's hilarious. Hes literally always singing and its never dull with him. Funny dude. 

Wednesday was full of training and English class, so that was super fun. I'm starting to get better at teaching English. A skill I thought I would never need to develop. I'm going to be really sad if I don't get to teach it anymore. Its so fun!! My students are doing a really good job too. The class is growing a ton. We should have like 10ish people next week that are coming. Thatl'l be super fun.

Thursday was a day full of finding, but everyone was really nice and we got lots of potential investigators. Saturday was the same, lots of potentials and we got a return appointment!! Anthony seems like a super nice guy and we're excited to meet with him. He called this morning and said he couldn't meet with us today but wants to meet tomorrow instead. He's from the Hillsong church. I literally know like one thing about that church. So it'll be interesting to learn about his beliefs. 

Anyways, love ya'll heaps and I hope you're smashing it back home. Remember that God loves all of you. Christ suffered for you so that you could one day return to Him. He loves each one of you and wants you home. I love Him and am so thankful for all He did for me. 

Love yall
Elder Maxfield

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